South and Meso American Indian Rights Center

Become a member of SAIIC

Dear Friends,

I invite you to take advantage of a unique publication--Abya Yala News (published in Spanish as Noticias de Abya Yala). Abya Yala News (AYN) is the only journal providing a grassroots Indigenous perspective on the Indigenous movement in Mexico, Central and South America.

At $25 per year ($15 low-income) for individuals, Abya Yala News presents in-depth analysis of critical issues affecting Indigenous communities such as:

You may receive SAIIC's journal in either English or Spanish and get exclusive interviews with Indigenous leaders, synapses of key declarations and human rights reports.

Reply soon, and receive the newest journal issue on the International Labor Organization's Convention 169 and how it has affected the Indigneous communities in the nations where it has been ratified, highlighting Mexico, Costa Rica, and Guatemala. It includes a special report on Chile's massive Ralco dam project being built on Pehuenche territory.

Finally, your subscription contributes to the South and Meso American Indian Rights Center, enabling us to continue promoting peace, social and economic justice, respect for human rights and full participation of Indian people in decisions that affect our lives. This year SAIIC has streamlined Abya Yala News to produce two bilingual issues, devoting our resources most effectively to produce timely, high-quality, and informative publications. Your $25 also helps send the Spanish version of Abya Yala News free of charge to Indigenous activists and organizations throughout the Americas.

Join SAIIC today and receive our "Fall 1997" issue without delay!

En paz y armonía con la Madre Tierra.

YES, I want to support the Indians of this hemisphere in their struggle for respect for their cultures and their right to take part in the decisions that affect their lives. Members receive SAIIC's acclaimed journal, Abya Yala News, plus Emergency Alerts and special briefings.

Name _______________________________________________________

Address _____________________________________________________

City ___________________________ State ____ Zip __________

Tel ______________ Email _________________________________

___ Individual SAIIC membership $25
___ Low-income membership $15
___ Indian/social justice group $25
___ Institutions/libraries $40

___ English OR ___ Spanish

I am also including a tax-deductible contribution of:
[ ]$25 [ ]$35 [ ]$50 [ ]$100 [ ]$250 or [ ]$______

Prices are for one year (2 issues). Add $5 for Mexico and Canada, and $10 for all other international subscriptions. SAIIC members help send the journal free to Indigenous organizations in Latin America. In addition to our journal, we also have available other resources.

Checks should be made out to SAIIC. Please print, fill out, and return this form to:

P.O. Box 7829
Oakland, CA 94601
(510) 534 4882 (Administration Office)
(510) 834 4263 (Abya Yala News)
(510) 834 4264 Fax

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